Posted by Autumn Lines on 5/8/2019 to
Everything You Need to Know About Aromatherapy Necklaces
Using a diffuser in your home isn’t the only way to have aromatherapy at your fingertips. If you want a wearable, portable, and fashionable way to enjoy the benefits of your essential oil blends, then look no further than aromatherapy necklaces.
What is an aromatherapy necklace?

These necklaces hold essential oils within the necklace, allowing you to inhale your selected diffused scent as you wear it throughout the day. The method of oil application depends on the design, but usually, you put a few drops of oil onto the necklace’s pendant material, and it will slowly diffuse the oil all day. Once the scent has faded from your necklace, you can add more of the same oil or a different oil for a different effect.
What are the benefits of wearing aromatherapy necklaces?

Aromatherapy necklaces carry all the benefits of traditional aromatherapy and more. Of course, the selected essential oils that your necklace will carry can help you control your mood, feelings, stress level, and more depending on which oil your using. You can even make your own aroma blends to add to your necklace, combining the benefits of different oils.
One unique quality of aromatherapy necklaces is their ability to preserve the scent for longer and stronger when compared to traditional diffusers. You don’t have to deal with dilution like you would in a regular diffuser either; just add a few drops of your chosen oil and you’re done!
Possibly the best thing about aromatherapy necklaces is how they can be worn anytime, anywhere. Necklace styles vary widely, so you can wear one for any occasion. You can even use aromatherapy necklaces as a toxin-free and customizable alternative to perfume.
What essential oils should you use?

When it comes to choosing which essential oils to use in your aromatherapy necklace, there is a seemingly endless variety to choose from. These are the few that we recommend you start out with, but you can blend several to get a unique effect.
Lavender oil carries a scent with the unique ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Often also used as a sleep aid, lavender oil can relieve headaches and even boost your mood. This oil is perfect for when you’re having an especially stressful day, bringing you back to a calm center.
Peppermint oil’s scent boasts a plethora of potential benefits, such as boosting your energy levels, stimulating your mind, and even relieving your headaches. This is a great option for your aromatherapy necklace if you’re going into an especially work-heavy day that requires focus.
The lemon essential oil can have the great benefits of increasing your energy levels, relieving headaches, and enhancing mood and alertness. This scent is a great option for your aromatherapy necklace in the summer months to keep your mind refreshed on days where your mind is a fog.
Types of Aromatherapy Necklaces

Aromatherapy necklaces come in a wide variety of styles, all with their own ways of holding and diffusing essential oils.
Brick-Clay & Lava Stone
One of the most popular choices for aromatherapy necklaces is to use brick clay or lava stone as the diffuser element and for good reason. These materials are lightweight and durable, coming in a variety of style options. The reason these materials work so well as diffusers are because they’re highly porous, holding several drops of essential oil at once. Their deep pores also allow the necklace to hold the scent longer and release the oil slowly.
Felt Pads
Another popular type of aromatherapy necklace is those that contain felt pads, usually encased in a metal pendant. You use this type of necklace by opening the metal casing and putting essential oil into the felt pad. The downsides to this form of diffuser necklace are that it’s style options are usually limited to larger pendants (due to the felt pad) and that it doesn’t hold the oil’s scent as long.
A glass aromatherapy necklace works by trapping the oil inside of the pendant. The oil inside of the glass pendant will slowly seep out and disperse the scent as you wear it. The reason this type of essential oil necklace isn’t very popular because the oil disperses much faster than the other methods, meaning you will have to refill the glass pendant frequently.
Autumn Lines proudly promotes a balanced and peaceful state of mind with all of our jewelry pieces. Our line of aromatherapy necklaces, in the My Well-Being collection, is made with sterling silver and brick clay. Check out our jewelry selection today, and see what we mean when we talk about authentic mindfulness.